White Supremacists Seize Capitol Building

Jennifer Alexander-Allen
2 min readJan 6, 2021

White, able bodied, cishet Americans have been turning away from police violence, racism, and abuse for so long.The way white people are talking about this as a surprise and not American haven't been paying attention.

Abuse and inequality are the tools white people (especially white cishet men) have used to build their success atop everyone else's backs. Our country is founded on the abuse of BIPOC.

I don't know how to begin fixing a country that has white supremacy and violence baked right into its founding. I used to believe that being aware of it and pushing back on it at an individual level was how we started broader change. I'm no longer convinced this works.

I have lost several of my Black students to police violence, two of my Latina students were abducted and disappeared and police did little to nothing to find them, and I have been abused by colleagues and admistrators. I have been detained by police for "walking while trans." Had I been a black trans woman I would have been dead. How do we fix that?

The white terrorists currently storming the Capitol want everyone not like them dead or vanished. I grew up amid these people. White boys, some of them part of my family, went out at night and beat queer people (and anyone they thought looked queer). A boy one grade level below me brought a handgun, a shotgun, and ice picks to school. The administration and the police took no action against him; later he murdered two indigenous boys.



Jennifer Alexander-Allen

Writer. Queer Theologian -- Published in "When We Become Weavers: Queer Female Poets on the Midwestern Experience" -- Pronouns: she/they -- @queeringcaitlin